No, Acupuncture is not generally painful. The needles are very thin, and often referred to as ‘kitty cat whiskers’ or ‘Chinese hairs.’ Patients may feel a slight sensation where the needles are inserted, but this is a tiny pinch, and/or an achiness. This is called ‘getting the Qi,’ or in other words, stimulating the nerves.
What does Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine is a full medical system. This healing system can treat just about any disorder. Common ailments that Beckie treats are: hormone imbalance, anxiety, stress, depression, allergies, pain, digestive issues, and many chronic disorders that are not alleviated with medications.
Who can benefit from Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine?
People of all ages can benefit. Acupuncture/TCM is a great alternative for children and teens when they experience respiratory, digestive, hormonal, and emotional disturbances. The elderly can benefit for pain management with arthritis, and/or old injuries, as an alternative to some surgeries, to reduce blood pressure, to alleviate insomnia, and to boost energy.
How often do I need treatment?
A specific treatment plan is suggested to address each patient’s needs. In general, Beckie will see a patient one time per week for a month, then slowly wean them off, as they are improving. For fertility enhancement, Beckie generally likes to see patients once per week for four to six months.
What is the difference between dry needling and Acupuncture?
Dry needling is acupuncture without a license. Dry needling is a part of acupuncture, the part that treats musculoskeletal pain. For patient safety, as well as the most effective treatment, Beckie recommends seeing a licensed Acupuncturist for musculoskeletal pain. In Colorado, a PT or MD who does dry needling will complete just a weekend course in needling. A chiropractor will complete 100 hours to become certified. A licensed Acupuncturist completes a three year masters degree with 3,000 plus hours education pertaining to needling, including 2 years in the student clinic, and ending with passing a board exam and a rigorous clean needle technique exam.
How and why does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture helps the body to heal itself, by stimulating the nervous system. In doing this, it brings blood flow and healing to specific areas of the body. It also releases endorphins, the body’s natural ‘pain-killing’ and ‘feel-good’ hormones. At the same time, Acupuncture decreases cortisol, aka, the stress hormone.