According to a study done by the World Health Organization, Acupuncture is an effective treatment for 117 conditions, when performed by a licensed practitioner. It is particularly beneficial for chronic low back pain, headaches and migraines, and osteoarthritis of the knees.
Acupuncture and its modalities will:
If Western prescriptions are not working, or are causing unwanted side-effects, acupuncture and herbal therapy can be a gentle alternative. Chinese medicine can help people find relief from many chronic health disorders, such as:
Acupuncture and herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat, and to alleviate, symptoms of chronic health problems. Its results are based on getting to the root of the disorder, instead of only treating the symptoms. Often, Western medications can only provide short term relief. Or, it can create more unwanted symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine is often more gentle, yet still very effective.
Chinese Medicine can effectively treat the following disorders associated with hormonal imbalance and unexplained infertility:
Anxiety, depression, endometriosis, fatigue, fibroids, high FSH, irregular menstruation, low AMH, low ovarian reserve, low sperm count, motility and morphology, luteal phase defect, PMS, pelvic inflammatory disease, perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pregnancy support, prior negative IVF outcomes, recurring miscarriages, thin endometrial lining, unexplained infertility.
Acupuncture has been used as a safe, effective, and drug-free method to care for mothers during pregnancy for over 3,000 years. It can treat nausea, pain, hypertension, breech and posterior babies. Acupuncture can also be a tool for labor preparation, labor pain, and gentle inductions, as well as post-natal care, such as insufficient lactation, wound healing, post-natal depression, and urinary incontinence.
Beckie McLeod, LAC, Diplomat OM, FABORM
19555 E. Parker Square Drive #207
Parker, CO 80134
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